
Psychosomatics was yesterday and is only part of the truth

The psychosomatic interpretation of our feelings and complaints has accompanied and helped us for many years. However, if we begin to move, expand and orient ourselves multidimensionally, we rarely find an answer in the psychosomatic interpretation. Since the psychosomatic way of thinking already meant progress from a rigid system of interpreting clinical pictures and helped us to look at things from a different perspective, to question them, we are now stuck in this or other systems of interpretation out of habit and a lack of other possibilities. If we do not know the answer to the cause of our complaints, we believe we have overlooked something … (to read the whole article click on the picture and/or the headline)

Psychosomatics was yesterday and is only part of the truth Read Post »

Energetic psychosomatics and the different levels of consciousness

Although classical psychosomatic medicine already offers a broader view of various disease states than conventional medicine and takes into account the possibility of the influence of the psyche and (emotional) stress on a person’s physical health, there are more and more people who do not improve even with the help of allopathic and psychosomatic medicine. Energetic Psychosomatics © offers the opportunity to look at psychosomatic illnesses, complaints and causes from a broader perspective, which includes additional aspects of the influence on human health, mental and physical balance and teaches us to understand that there is also such a thing as energetic or energosomatic pain, complaints, causes and effects.

Energetic psychosomatics and the different levels of consciousness Read Post »

One step away from love – a decision for love

We are all always fine just the way we are. Life automatically teaches us what is right for us, whether we consciously want it or not. And if we feel lost, if we have truly gone astray (in life), if we have forgotten ourselves and our soul, even then we are always just one step away from the right path, from love, from ourselves, no matter how great the distance seems! And so we just need to take that one single step to return (to ourselves).

One step away from love – a decision for love Read Post »

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