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Energy-Psychosomatic offers the opportunity to view psychosomatic complaints and their causes
to consider and interpret energetic correlations.

Psychosomatic and energy

I have been dealing with psychosomatic pain, complaints and symptoms and their healing, redemption and/or optimal, redeemed handling for almost my entire life. As is so often the case in life, I reached a point around 20 years ago where I couldn’t go any further in the traditional sense. Then my horizon was broadened to include the energetic connections and I understood that, from a certain stage of development, we have to consider another factor – energy and its effect – on our body, our psyche and therefore on our well-being.

In medicine, psychosomatics refers to a holistic approach and theory of disease. It looks at the mental abilities and reactions of people in health and illness in their own way and how they are interwoven with physical processes and social living conditions. The term psychosomatics is a combination of the ancient Greek words ψυχή psyché (breath, breath and soul) and σῶμα soma (body and soul). Psychosomatics is a theory of illness that considers psychological influences on somatic (physical) processes.

Psychosomatic medicine represents the practical implementation of psychosomatics in the treatment of patients. It deals with illnesses and conditions in which psychosocial and psychosomatic factors (including the resulting physical-mental interactions) are significantly involved. Their task is the recognition, treatment (somatotherapeutic, psychosomatic-medical as well as psychotherapeutic), prevention and rehabilitation of these conditions (source: Wikipedia )

As Wikipedia explains so well, psychosomatics deals with the interaction between the body and the psyche. My aim is to draw in additional energy. Energetic psychosomatics, as I call it, is therefore about dealing with the interaction between energy, the body and the psyche in order to understand what influence energy has on the development of physical complaints and unbalanced mental states and, in turn, how our psyche itself is capable of generating blocking pain-generating energy.


Energetic psychosomatics, which I deal with, is not to be confused with psychosomatic energetics (PSE), which was developed by Dr. Reimar Banis and has its roots in classical homeopathy. I first mentioned the term Energetic Psychosomatics in 2014 in my article Psychosomatics was yesterday and is only part of the truth.

Energetic psychosomatics is therefore a way of looking at and interpreting so-called psychosomatic illnesses, psychosomatic pain, psychosomatic complaints and psychosomatic causes in a different, broader way in order to understand that there is also such a thing as energetic or energopsychosomatic pain, complaints, causes and effects.

Why and for whom is this extended, energetic view important?

I write about this in my article “Psychosomatics was yesterday and is only part of the truth“:

“If we begin to move, expand and orient ourselves multidimensionally, we rarely find an answer in the classical psychosomatic interpretation. Since the psychosomatic way of thinking already meant progress from a rigid system of interpreting clinical pictures and helped us to look at things from a different perspective, to question them, we are now stuck in this or other systems of interpretation out of habit and a lack of other possibilities. If we do not know the answer to the cause of our complaints, we believe we have overlooked something. And it’s true. We have overlooked the fact that we are looking for the cause of our complaints within a circle in which the causes and/or we are not even located!” (read more in the article here ->)

Energy-Psychosomatic in practice

I can now look back on almost 20 years of experience in working with Energy-Psychosomatic and successfully advising my clients. Around 2013 I created the term “Energy-Psychosomatic”. I developed a series of holistic exercises to help my clients learn to balance their entire energy system, body and mind. They can then access these exercises independently and as required in order to re-centre, harmonize, stabilize, clear and/or automatically release certain blockages, as well as build up optimal energy and strength and thus strengthen the immune system.

I have also developed a simple test through which everyone can easily recognize their own energetic, physical and psychological distortions, shifts and blockages and understand the connections. This test can also be booked without further consultation.

I also developed some effective methods to enable interested parties to better recognize the holistic connections and to train their understanding of energetic psychosomatics and apply it in everyday life.

So when does it make sense to ask yourself whether energy is involved in your own complaints?

Interaction between energy and the subconscious

Energy always plays a role! Basically, energy is a medium that supports our lives, which forms and shapes itself in our lives as we need it. It works not only within us, but also on the outside or from the outside, because it draws events, situations and encounters into our lives according to the charge we have created through our thoughts, desires, ideas and beliefs. It is very important to understand that these thoughts and beliefs have the same, if not stronger, effect even if we are not aware of them, but they come from our unconscious.

Thus, a large part of Energy-Psychosomatic also involves dealing with the subconscious, its clarification and transformation.

ConsciousnessWork, an instrument of Energy-Psychosomatic

Becoming aware of issues stored in the energetic blockages and thus also in the subconscious is the key to their resolution and transformation. Only when we have recognized the cause and the effect of a “blockage” and the “learning theme” it contains, and thus the message and the meaning, does lasting liberation occur.

As some scientists have already researched, our subconscious controls almost 95% of how we feel, think and act and therefore also our relationships and how we shape our lives. However, according to Bruce Lipton, this subconscious was formed exclusively from the beliefs and behavioral patterns of our environment, especially in our childhood, until we were 6 years old, without us having the chance to consciously contribute anything to it. If we do not clear and transform our subconscious in the course of our lives according to our own nature, we constantly attract energies and situations that are based on other people’s beliefs. We ourselves then feel as if we are in a fake movie or living someone else’s life and this also makes us feel our body and psyche through various ailments. What makes us truly healthy and vital is when we live our own life, which corresponds to our own nature. Nowadays, however, people are moving further and further away from themselves and this is reflected in the steady increase in all kinds of illnesses and complaints.

Understanding the interaction between energy, the conscious mind and the subconscious is one of the key points of Energetic Psychosomatics ©!

I write about this topic in more detail, with illustrative examples, in my article Energy-Psychosomatic and the different levels of consciousness

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