Psychosomatics was yesterday and is only part of the truth

Topics: Psychosomatics and so-called psychosomatic illnesses, psychosomatic pain, psychosomatic complaints, psychosomatic causes

As I wrote in my last article When the time to pack has come the time has come for many people to pack their bags and hit the road. For most people, it is meant metaphorically, although we should start to look at the term metaphor from a different angle. Metaphor is something that we wrap up in an explainable image, but which does not play out one-to-one in our physical reality and yet is somehow tangible. However, this does not mean that what we see with our inner eye does not literally take place on another level and that its waves do not reach our physical reality – which is why we feel something. That’s what I mean about the suitcase. Just because we don’t pack a suitcase in the so-called “here and now” because we wouldn’t know where to go, doesn’t mean that on another level we don’t pack our “seven bags” and move on. Where to and why – everyone feels this within themselves – in a form of longing, restlessness, impatience or perhaps even fear – when they cannot explain what is coming to them, what is happening to them.

When we allow ourselves to think that some metaphors are not metaphors, but reality, we begin to awaken to a multidimensional and/or multidimensional event. We begin to understand that we do not have to see everything we feel and expect with our eyes – only in this one plane of time and space. So it helps to stop doubting our own sensations, “visions”, perceptions, as these doubts are actually what do not allow us to recognize the deeper/expanded meaning.

For this reason, I immediately stop writing in metaphors and you know that I am moving in a reality that moves across different, more or less visible, levels and then I write the first sentence again:

As I wrote in my last article, the time has come for many people to pack their bags and hit the road. Some are already in their cabs, cars, trains, ships, airplanes or other means of travel (in which case you have probably dreamed in the last few days/weeks that you are in such a means of transport) and some have already arrived at their new destination.

The deceptive thing is that we are usually still physically in the same place and in the same position and no serious changes are visible. If it weren’t for this feeling that something is different. Sometimes it even feels as if we are no longer the same or that the world around us is somehow upside down. You can also imagine it like this: You have been flown to a different location and this only guarantees you a different perspective on the same event that you were looking at or in earlier.

In my penultimate article, I wrote about the next travel destinations, which some people are currently considering, with the words “The next ascent is the descent”. If these words were not meant to be a metaphor, but a statement, even (for me) a fact, then this statement means that to reach the next level of personal development is about descending the stairs I once climbed to arrive at the top. It is not about a descent into new depths and abysses! This has already been explored on the way up! Without going down, there is no up! The higher I aim, the lower I have to go to make the distance seem high enough. Now it’s about coming to terms with yourself and taking steps out into the world from this stable position – into a world that opens up and expands with every step you take.

In this “descent process”, you pass through areas that you once turned your back on with relief. Old wounds and pain resonate particularly strongly at this time. Anger and resentment, which we didn’t allow ourselves in the past, rise up. The energies bound by rejection (e.g. anger, resentment, rejection) are released or cause pressure because they want to free themselves. A sense of humor would be very much in demand, recommended and appropriate at this time.

Physical and mental pain and apparent illnesses can occur during the packing of suitcases or the car journey alone, or even when you arrive at your new destination, where you might ask yourself in despair: “This is supposed to be the new world?” Resorting to the tried and tested methods of healing or relief from pain hardly helps. Why is that the case? Because pain is not just pain! And because, as I asked in my book “Man and his Healing”: “Am I already ill when I feel ill?” In other words: “Do I have an illness if I have something that I can only explain to myself in this reality as an illness?”

I once had a dream. In this one, I dreamt about a married couple who were in the living room of their own house. They were both sitting in a modern sofa area watching TV. Then the man got up and wanted to get something from the kitchen. As he walked, he stubbed his toe. He looked down at his feet, but saw nothing. However, I saw (in the dream I had a view of what was happening that encompassed several levels) how he moved with the lower half of his body in another reality. His legs walked straight through a room that was in an earlier era. The room was much simpler and more poorly furnished than the room he was in with his upper body. And because his eyes couldn’t see it, he couldn’t avoid the dining table he was walking past, which might have been there a hundred and fifty years ago. His wife, who was also in this other reality with her lower body, got up and went to him to see what was actually wrong with him. Intuitively, she chose a different route and elegantly avoided the old dining table on the other level as if she could (unconsciously) see it. However, this meant that she could not understand his pain in the “current” plane and laughed at him – because there was no obstacle in the plane where their heads were located that he could have bumped into. I call this kind of pain energetic pain.

This dream showed an event where a part of our personality or our being is in another, mostly past reality. However, there is also the possibility that we (from our current perspective) are stuck in future realities or in realities that have nothing (yet) to do with our time calculation and perception of space.

In the event that these other areas are not so far removed from the “current” one, it can happen to some people that they wake up from a dream with inexplicable bruises, for example. However, these bruises can also be based on violent energy processes to which we are exposed or which are currently taking place within us (whether in “reality”, other levels, and/or rather – in several “worlds” at the same time).

Psychosomatics was yesterday and is only part of the truth

Psychosomatics and so-called psychosomatic illnesses, psychosomatic pain, psychosomatic complaints and psychosomatic causes can also be viewed and interpreted differently.

Why? The psychosomatic interpretation of our feelings and complaints has accompanied and helped us for many years. However, if we begin to move, expand and orient ourselves multidimensionally, we rarely find an answer in the psychosomatic interpretation. Since the psychosomatic way of thinking already meant progress from a rigid system of interpreting clinical pictures and helped us to look at things from a different perspective, to question them, we are now stuck in this or other systems of interpretation out of habit and a lack of other possibilities. If we do not know the answer to the cause of our complaints, we believe we have overlooked something. And it’s true. We have overlooked the fact that we are looking for the cause of our complaints within a circle in which the causes and/or we are not even located!

That is why I have expanded the psychosomatic interpretation to include the energy factor, or energetic interpretation, and call it Energy-Psychosomatic©.

Time and again, I find that many of us have something like a time lock built into us. In order to move out of a well-worn circle, we either need an impulse from outside (e.g. an encounter with another person) or our time lock is programmed to operate automatically and, so to speak, automatically switches a switch and/or opens a new window into a world or perspective that was previously closed. This procedure either means relief for us and/or inner (sensory) chaos is pre-programmed – because nothing feels the way it “should” anymore.

For those who can understand and/or feel, comprehend my lines, the time has probably come to understand that our so-called human complaints and our malaise have their causes in causes other than the classic physical, psychological or psychosomatic causes of illness and complaints … or even if they do; just not in this(!) here and now.

(At this point, please do not start looking for the worlds/planes/dimensions you could be in, travel to, get into. There’s nothing new – it’s an attempt to express what’s going on with you/us. An attempt to perhaps express the inexpressible in human words (which are limited). No fear, no panic is appropriate here – conversely, it’s about sorting yourself out instead of getting lost somewhere in the unapproachable dimensions, getting entangled).

I have spent many, many years researching physical and psychological complaints as well as various distorted energy states, self-awareness disorders, panic attacks and psychological trauma and psychosomatics – whether in self-observation or counseling others. From many years of experience, I came to the conclusion that psychosomatic teaching is a great tool for rethinking and learning to shift our perspective away from the familiar and the conventional. At some point, however, I realized that such thinking made me small and only pigeonholed me. The psychosomatic principle taught me to look at myself in the context of my fellow human beings and situations – whether in the past or now – and to understand what blockages I have caused myself by being overwhelmed by the respective situation and its rejection, suppression. Over time, the psychosomatic search actually created an image of an auto-aggressive person who has nothing else to do but to inflict pain and new blockages on herself every day due to her inability to digest what has happened and/or to live out the emotions that have arisen instead of eating them into herself. As if I were infinitely unteachable, stupid.

Finally, one of these time locks cracked. My vision expanded, left the assigned barriers and I asked myself whether I really trust my soul so little that I permanently have nothing else to do (despite all the knowledge) than to create new and new traumas, pain and blockages.

No! As I have been able to experience and get to know my soul in the meantime, I know that it does not plunge headlong into the deepest depths, but with brains and an overview and with deep trust and knowledge, so that it cannot harm me as a person. We (me and her, i.e. me and her) are a team! She knows (I know) how far she can go and what is good for my body and energy system. Where are the endless traumas, injuries and/or blockages supposed to come from if everything is in order and optimized for my current level of development and state of health?

When my state of consciousness has reached such a level and I understand that I am not creating any traumas for myself and probably never have … but still have the same complaints, pain and discomfort … what does that mean?

Psychosomatics and psychosomatic complaints, psychosomatic pain, psychosomatic illnesses, psychosomatic causes,

My journey so far has led me to seek and understand the answer to this question. To this day, I can list other causes for our everyday ailments. To make it easier to understand, I’ll give you an example of someone who often has stomach and abdominal pain or cramps.

Medically known causes

Of course, this (the abdominal pain) can be a sign of generally known diseases that are either genetic or based on an unbalanced diet, caused by environmental pollution or have bacterial or other medically known causes.

Psychological causes

They (the stomach pains) can be psychological – whether due to burnout, emotional instability or a nervous stomach, for example.

Psychosomatic causes

It (the abdominal pain) may be psychosomatic (this perspective is usually only considered when there are no medical findings). Psychosomatic abdominal pain: for example, I have to deal with things that are “heavy food” for me and difficult to digest (whether it’s studying, which I’m overwhelmed with and do it mainly for the parents, or I’m in a working relationship where I feel forced to swallow everything, I feel downright sick … but I don’t do it, I don’t vomit, I suppress it)

So far, these have been the known causes. We continue with the “new” view or other possible causes – especially for sensitive and awakening and awakened people

Causes of perception

We are already so sensitive and expanded that we are able to perceive the complaints and blockages of others. If we do not do this consciously, we believe that it is our own pain. We are also supported in this belief by the fact that the person whose blockage we perceive as unpleasant, painful and pathogenic seems to have no problem or discomfort with it. This is because she has had them for so long that she is used to them or has blocked them out. It is even more difficult if this person is not physically near me and I am only mentally and/or emotionally focused on them, connected to them.

Energy problems

These can have various causes. When we get into the flow, for example, we become creative, give birth to new ideas and generate a lot of energy. However, this can be met with rejection, envy and jealousy on the outside (for whatever reason). Someone else may unconsciously want these energies and try to steal them (this is usually an unconscious process). We sense it and usually react in two ways: either we voluntarily give up everything we have or we block it (the door is slammed in our face) and/or we make ourselves uninteresting for the energy thieves (i.e. we no longer become creative and lock ourselves away). Applied to stomach and gastric complaints, it can mean that we feel an aggressive emptiness within us – something is missing – the stomach tightens, the body sounds the alarm, there is a lack of energy to do, to digest, and so on.

Emotional-mental blackmail

We are integrated into entrenched, network-like structures that are maintained over generations – whether these are family structures or other clannish networks, such as various brotherhoods, parties, clubs, etc. These hook their wide tentacles into the pit of the stomach, for example, to control our power center (solar plexus). These hack their widely spread tentacles into the pit of the stomach, for example, in order to control our power center (solar plexus). If we act in the sense of the network, we and our power center allow the energy flowing to us to a certain extent, which mostly consists of emotional-mental ballast/smog/mud, because our actions benefit the clan and its “silent project”. However, if we begin to move away from the ideology of the “family” through our development, we sense a resistance within us, a kind of wall, a stop sign – which can rise up in the unconscious in the form of a raised finger, threats and/or feelings of guilt. It’s about huge manipulations and control mechanisms that train us in the sense of Pavlov’s reflex: If you stay with us, you’ll be fine – no pain in the stomach area, healthy appetite – but (!) if you want to leave us, you’ll feel bad – pain in the stomach, no feeling of hunger – the clan will let us starve. Every attempt to break through these original intentions, which often reach back into earlier centuries, to get out of the harness, reveals a spider’s web in which one is mothballed deeper with every movement – one loses clarity or recognizes the snake’s stranglehold, which becomes ever tighter. I would also place so-called black magic energies in this area – i.e. attempts/efforts (in whatever way, by whatever means) to get someone to do something specific without their consent, to manipulate, control, claim, use and/or “enlighten” them.

Problems with letting go & letting things happen, engaging with life

In this case, the body and energy system itself is poisoned, so to speak. By hoarding old “things” – whether material or mental/emotional (old hurts, injustices etc.) – that have already had their day, they weigh us down and literally cause a blockage within us. It ferments in the intestines and the resulting gases poison us, enveloping us in a fog. We cannot move forward in life until we have unloaded our discarded baggage and thereby detoxified ourselves (whether physically, mentally and/or energetically)

Inheritance and causes of death

If someone in our environment had died who had previously bound our energy in a certain way (because he controlled us, exercised power over us, wanted ours, etc. – regardless of whether he and we were aware of it or not), he lets go of our energy more or less voluntarily in the dying process, just as he has to let go of everything earthly. These released energies want to return naturally to where they belong. Our energy “lent” in this way begins to return to us. However, it is “colored” by the energies of the deceased. The way the person lived, these (our returning) energies are usually denser than our current ones and do not feel comfortable because they have not “grown” with us. If the deceased had difficulties with the letting go process, it can happen that we feel a pull in our stomach, for example, because this person is still close to us – as usual – and is still connected to us and wants to exert their control (out of habit or this person wants our attention). An inheritance/legacy has many layers (like everything) – and you should consider whether you really want to accept the inheritance (What is an inheritance? What do I inherit?). What does it mean to inherit from a particular person? Is it compatible with me, my nature, to follow in this person’s footsteps? Am I up to it? Is my body and energy system up to it? Am I capable of managing and digesting all that the deceased has left behind or will it just give me an ulcer? What is the legacy connected to, what is it entangled in?

Causes of communication

Our inner voice/guidance communicates with us with the help of various body symptoms – to convey a message to us in an understandable way. Discomfort in the abdominal area can be a warning in a certain situation, for example – in the sense of: This is not for you. A feeling of well-being in your stomach: it’s good for you.

Adaptations of the body and energy system

During multidimensional excursions, our energy system switches back and forth, just like in a car, or our energy system is adapted to the nature of the world in which we are currently moving. If we move in several worlds at the same time, which have different degrees of density, it becomes a grueling and nerve-wracking affair. You can imagine it like this: On a sunny, warm day, we dress very differently than when it’s cold and stormy outside. When we make excursions into less dense worlds, our energy system can expand and we literally float along. If we change abruptly to a denser “dimension” immediately in such an expanded state, it can feel like a cold shower, a punch in the stomach, a suffocating feeling of fullness and/or unpleasant flatulence. If we are adjusted to the denser level in time, we may feel constricted and cramped and have the feeling that our system and our body cannot work and digest as usual, for example. Everything flows at a different speed, is very sluggish and heavy compared to the airier state.

Mass consciousness and the morphogenic fields

The abdominal pain is still an example: We hang out in certain “unconscious fields” and try to digest something that is present as an issue in the field, but stuck with contradictory “answers” and “truths”. If, for example, we are preoccupied with the topic of “healthy eating” and we are looking for the answers to what “healthy eating” means to us, not within ourselves, but from the outside world, we get involved as if we were typing the term into a search engine in a sea of know-it-all opinions and seemingly irrefutable facts. But which one is right for us? To plow through this “unconscious field” just on this one topic – to find the right thing for us … that can take several years/lives. We absorb, digest, excrete – which is not compatible with our system. One day, however, the system speaks to us: Stop! It can’t go on like this. You won’t find your answer that way! – and refuses to absorb, digest, excrete.

Room size and cramped situations and people with narrow horizons

They can also “hit the stomach”. Our development sometimes requires us to change our (living) space because we have already outgrown our current one and have “worked through” or integrated everything that was available to us there. The journey should continue. If we don’t do this, if we don’t understand this, it becomes “too tight” for us – whether in our stomach, head and/or elsewhere. We can also overdo it with the new room size, it becomes too big for us – and we can’t find our footing, we feel lost.

The tenth point describes a challenge that many awakening people are currently facing – practicing and mastering the so-called multidimensionality or life with an expanded consciousness (without losing “the ground under their feet”). To recognize when discomfort is really discomfort or when it is a relative state and you have a feeling of standstill just because you were moving at the speed of light through some plane a moment ago.

In one of my earlier texts I wrote about how this life is so turbulent for many people because it takes us at a fast-forward pace to many of our past lives, when we still have something to recognize or remember there and/or we have something to pick up there. To make this possible, our world system currently presents itself to us as a mosaic of different time and space epochs. We don’t have to go to Peru to meet each other in our time as Maya. Perhaps it is enough for us (even unconsciously) to pass an area around our corner where people gathered more often (as our neighbors) who are still “stuck” in the times of that time (as in the story with the old dining table). We can pass through several realities in one day without consciously realizing it and expose our energy system to several levels, which is very exhausting and can tire us out. Our energy system – if we allow it and have not anaesthetized our body with sedatives, psychotropic drugs or other drugs – switches automatically through the various degrees of density and “(un)weather zones” and so we are often surprised that the headache we just had is suddenly blown away. Some will understand here why I have been talking for years about adjusting your speed (which in most cases means slowing down) and practicing optimizing that speed to the situation at hand.

Energy-Psychosomatic© that I have developed deals with such a holistically expanded view of the individual conditions, complaints and situations of individual people.

Today, every single person represents a world of their own. So the encounter with a person can expand our consciousness and energy awareness and a minute later – in this expanded state – we can stand in front of a wall – in the form of a dense, less conscious person. Hitting a wall with an expanded energy system hurts and bruises and, as in “normal” life, it requires a conscious recovery and regeneration period. Welcome to the “new” age!

Continue to the topic Energy-Psychosomatic© -> or Living successfully with high sensitivity ->

© 06/2024 Kristina Hazler (from german Original “Die Psychosomatik war gestern und ist nur ein Teil der Wahrheit” (2014))

List of all articles on the topic of high sensitivity here (only in German):
High sensitivity, empathy and expanded awareness – (effects) – >



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