Energetic psychosomatics and the different levels of consciousness

Energetic Psychosomatics © offers the opportunity to look at psychosomatic illnesses, complaints and causes from a broader perspective, which includes additional aspects of the influence on human health, mental and physical balance and teaches us to understand that there is also such a thing as energetic or energiesomatic pain, complaints, causes and effects.

Energetic psychosomatics and the different levels of consciousnessThe term psychosomatics is derived from two words – psyché (soul, the mental) and from the word soma (body). It is about a holistic view of health or illness. Psychosomatics is a medical specialty that takes bio-psycho-social aspects into account. Listening to the language of your own body is important. (Source: www.zdravie.sk)

The soul (psyché) and the body (soma) are not two independent and autonomously functioning entities. They are two interconnected systems that influence each other, or more precisely, they are two ways of expressing the life of a concrete individual being that is unique in its life situation, nature and environment, so that it cannot be confused with any other individual. (Source: www.mindandbody.sk)

Why is it important to consider other aspects?

Although classical psychosomatic medicine already offers a broader view of various disease states than conventional medicine and takes into account the possibility of the influence of the psyche and (emotional) stress on a person’s physical health, there are more and more people who do not improve even with the help of allopathic and psychosomatic medicine.

It is precisely these people who make up a large proportion of my clients, who find their way to me after unsuccessfully trying all kinds of healing and therapy methods.

Why do some people find no relief with the help of means that help others?

Quite simply, in this day and age we are increasingly forgetting to take into account the individuality of people and are not only generalizing/globalizing all branches of life, but also people. However, today’s human beings do not originate from the 3D printer and have not yet been cloned, which means that people do not have identical software (psyche, soul, spirit) and hardware (body, energy system). Perhaps we should value this time more because, depending on the direction in which human development shifts in the next few years, we may be living for a long time in the last stage where individuality is still somehow possible.

Different levels of consciousness require different approaches

Based on my perception and experience, I am of the opinion that people are in different (individual) stages of consciousness development.

Although we live in the same culture, have similar bodies and learn the same multiplication tables at school, there are still fundamental differences between us.

If we allow for the possibility of previous lives, at least as a model for explaining certain relationships, then we can say that although we are all sitting together in first grade and learning to write, some of us have already lived thousands of lives and thus have experience behind us, while others are just beginners who are just looking around and learning how things work on earth. From this it should be clear that there must be a difference between them in the way they understand and process their experiences, which would also explain the usual different reactions to the same situations, people and environment, and thus also to therapeutic approaches.

To put it simply, even if two people have a headache because they can’t explain something to each other, because they are brooding too much about it and this endless brooding causes them psychological stress as a result, to which the body of both reacts with similar physical conditions (the headache), the issues of the old soul that has a headache are different from the issues that cause the beginner a headache. The earthly newcomer may be helped by a headache tablet, which helps him during the time of anesthesia to get a certain distance to his subject, while the advanced person will probably not be helped by the same tablet. But what could help him would be to find out what he could use to get a distance from the issue that is tormenting him, so that he can look at it from a bird’s eye view and thus increase the likelihood of cracking the hard nut. Does he need relaxing music, some extreme outdoor activity, talking to a kindred spirit, cooking himself something good or traveling to a faraway land…?

The integration of past experiences

If, in addition to the body and the psyche, we also consider the human energetic system, to which more and more scientists are now also devoting themselves, then we must realize that a person who has already wandered through everything on this planet during previous lives probably has a completely different energetic basis (energetic equipment) than a beginner who only needs a handful of energetic sensors and instruments for his first voyages of discovery.

The problem with evolved beings is that for thousands of years they have been accustomed to functioning with limited possibilities and going down various paths of suffering. In the same way, they have learned, and this is stored in their subconscious, which strategies have given them the most effective results in which situation. And today … Suddenly they realize that these strategies don’t work! Reflexively, they turn to the old familiar – for example, the study of ancient mystical sources or they try out all kinds of traditional spiritual methods again and … Nothing! Surprise, helplessness, a feeling of powerlessness … Nothing works as it should! It is only logical that they then begin to doubt the degree of their intended development and their self-confidence suffers as a result.

If for some this current life is something like the integration life, in the context of which all previous experiences and personality aspects (see my article “Aspectology, awakening and self-integration“) combine into a whole, then this results in the expansion of perception, consciousness and the entire energy system. The usual physical, psychological and energetic limitations fall away, the consciousness and the energy field expand and the human being suddenly stands in a life, on this planet, eye to eye with people without his usual thick skin and with a much finer and expanded system than ever before. This is a completely new experience for him, which he first has to learn to deal with.

A step into the unknown can hurt

Although some believe that they are under the influence of the veil of forgetfulness and are therefore unable to remember who they really are, they feel within themselves that they are experts sufficiently tested by life, but this seems to be contradicted by the strange feeling of being in their beginner’s shoes, as if they had to learn to walk, read, write and calculate all over again. Something is wrong for them here because they don’t understand that they have entered a new gate, a new level, where they actually have to learn to orient themselves again/newly. They unconsciously resist the feeling of newness. They try to reach for the familiar, which is often extremely counterproductive, because their aim is precisely to leave the old behind them in the confidence that the essence of everything they have experienced is within them and then take the step into the imagined unknown out of this confidence.

From my point of view, this means that you don’t always have to look for a cure for unpleasant conditions, but sometimes you just need clarification and understanding.

The inner communication

The entire human system is, among other things, something like a communication instrument that communicates with you continuously in a sophisticated way via different levels of consciousness. However, due to the modern, distracted, stressed and driven way of life, most people do not understand that certain symptoms and conditions are not about something negative, but about inner communication.

They have learned to get to grips with the “problem” by means of medication, drugs and other chemical or energetic preparations, or also through certain lifestyles that divert their attention, their focus from the “complaints”. How does your inner communication system react to this? Logical! As long as they have not yet completely blocked it in its activity, it begins to communicate with them more and more loudly in an attempt to draw their attention to the communicated topic. If the person affected is sensitive to pain, or responds “well” to pain, it can therefore mean even stronger pain. For people for whom, for example, their status or image is important, the intensified inner communication will send messages more intensively in the areas where they live out their need for status.

Our body and psyche are to a certain extent subject to the earthly laws of matter, and as long as we do not shift/elevate ourselves to another (subtle, or extra-material) level of communication, the body, psyche and energy system only have a certain, limited range of communication nuances at their disposal. This means that our system is forced to use one and the same “word” – symptom – to express different contents. This is why it is so important to consider the individuality of each person and their level of development, as well as the state of expansion of their consciousness and energetic system.

The message conveyed should always be understood in the context in which it is sent.

Here is a very simple example:

Two people are having a conversation about fresh bread. The problem is that one is Slovakian and the other is Polish. They both know the words they use for it, so they have no problem communicating with each other, you might think. But the truth is different! In Polish, the same word that Slovaks use to describe “fresh” means exactly the opposite, namely “old”, or “stale”, although it is pronounced the same in both cases. For example, “fresh bread” actually means fresh bread in one language, but in another language it actually refers to stale bread. So which bread they talk about depends on the context in which the communication takes place – in Slovakian or Polish. If they don’t realize it and both talk in their own way, mistakenly assuming that they understand each other perfectly, it can lead to funny, but also incomprehensible, conflictual or even dangerous situations, because our conversations are not always just about bread.

Unfortunately, due to internalization by the system, many people have lost the ability to understand their own body and psyche, as well as inner communication and its message. Those interested need years to learn their own “alphabet” again.

The differences between the energy systems and the impact

To make the idea of individuality even clearer, I’ll help myself with a simple example that I use to explain the topic in my seminars:

Imagine that you are on a sandy beach and holding a toothpick in one hand. Use this toothpick to try to move or pile up the sand. It is not strenuous, but the pile of sand that you try to accumulate is quite small. Now imagine that you have a classic school ruler in your hand. You will probably feel your arm muscles a little as you work the sand and the pile of sand will grow quite a bit as you try to push this pile of sand further and further in front of you. It is becoming increasingly difficult and exhausting. Now change the ruler in your imagination to a board 2 meters long and 50 centimeters wide. How do you think you will feel pushing the sand further and further in front of you with this board? And how far will you get?

[pullquote]Prevention consists of the art of moving at your own optimal speed, within which you can process all information continuously. [/pullquote]

The energy system is similar to the example mentioned above. People with a “narrow” energy system are in the position of wandering through life with a “toothpick”. It’s easy, but they don’t accumulate much and even if they get ahead, it’s only superficial. In contrast, people whose energy system is extended to several meters have a completely different radius of action. Every movement processes a completely different amount of information from the room. If a person is not aware of this (which is the case for most people) and progresses too quickly, a mountain of unprocessed information piles up in front of them, which at a certain point they are no longer able to handle (with their own strength). Prevention (of such a state) consists in the art of moving at your own optimum speed, within which you can process all information continuously.

As part of Energetic Psychosomatics, I have developed special holistic exercises for those interested, which help them to find their individual speed, which harmonizes optimally with their own level of consciousness and synchronizes the energy system accordingly.

Nowadays, life communicates to most people that it is time for a break because they have accumulated too much, which is causing an energetic congestion/blockage and it is high time to deal with it. Without this processing, nothing more can be done. For people who have fallen behind, it is particularly important to remember their own inner communication, which provides optimal guidance for processing. It is not uncommon for them to have to relearn the language, the vocabulary with which their body, psyche, soul and energy system speak to them.

Head through the wall

When people try to go through the wall with their heads, i.e. through the mountain of accumulated, unprocessed information, they subconsciously (due to the reversed logic) either try to develop counterproductive abilities in themselves (more strength, jumping higher, acquiring a thick armor, gaining extrasensory abilities, etc. in order to conquer the wall), or they start taking medication to suppress such symptoms, which they inflict on themselves due to the violent attempts to break through or jump over the wall.

I often observe how today’s technical progress in medicine indirectly supports such counterproductivity. People whose joints, for example, play unpleasant tricks because they are constantly trying to avoid something, simply get new artificial joints (which of course do not master the dimension of internal communication). And if there is no miracle, no reflection, no realization in between, then such people will happily carry on where their own joints no longer want to play along. There are now more and more people who are beginning to resemble the Ironman. With the help of artificial body parts there are no hurdles, they can continue in their old lifestyle without having changed anything. And with every new joint, every new organ, every body part removed by surgery, the body is left with fewer and fewer options for optimal, holistic communication.

The escape into illness

A person has a tendency to react in a certain way to different situations. But it’s not just about somehow coping with them, it’s about how we perceive ourselves in the process and how we relate to ourselves. Some say that they never get angry. However, anger is a natural reaction to certain situations, and if we do not show anger, it can be reflected in a somatic, physical illness. He simply has to get out somewhere. It’s not just about the feeling of anger, it’s generally about how people relate to themselves.

It is often more important for us to maintain a certain lifestyle and behavior than to listen to our body signals. It can happen, for example, that we suddenly get palpitations when working at a high pace or become deaf in one ear. The imbalance of the mental state, the problems that torment us consciously or unconsciously, sometimes lead to a symptom that has a physical effect and we learn to take refuge in an illness that offers an opportunity, an advantage, to escape certain duties. It is necessary to become aware that this happens unconsciously! This type of somatization can recur and occur even when it is no longer useful. (Source: www.zdravie.sk)

Another example of the influence of various energetic and physical factors on our body and various perceived symptoms can be found in this article: You’re Not Dying – It’s the Schumann Resonance! Here is a short excerpt that goes in line with what I have already described here:

Many don’t understand what’s going on

Meanwhile, there is not a single person on earth who has not experienced strange and inexplicable physical symptoms that have caused a feeling of discomfort. Many do not understand what is wrong and some go to their doctor only to be told that there is nothing wrong with them. On the other hand, doctors recognize that there seems to be a phenomenon of unexplained “psychosomatic” occurrences. Interestingly, there is actually scientific evidence that something is happening on this planet right now that is shaking it up, and this evidence comes from a Russian website that tracks the Schumann resonance.

As a spiritual being fused with a human physical body, we have been connected to the consciousness and energetic makeup of the earth through our birth on this planet. In order to stay in sync with the planetary structure and frequencies, the human body has a self-correcting system that can adapt to the environment if necessary. However, if a person’s auric field is not synchronized, it is also difficult for the emotional, mental, spiritual and etheric bodies to synchronize with the physical and frequency of the earth.

Another wonderful example of possible energy psychosomatic complaints is shown in the following video ->, which shows how infectious the energy of other people’s emotions and thoughts can be and cause blockages, discomfort and even illness.

The description of Energetic Psychosomatics © in connection with my counseling and therapy activities here ->

© 03/2019 Kristina Hazler

I also recommend the following articles on this topic:
(In German language only. Please use the translator to translate)



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