Kristina Hazler – Profile

20 years of coaching & training experience | author | founder of BewusstseinsAkademie

“Genuine spirituality, awareness and expansion of consciousness should not only be lived in moments of meditation and retreat or only when “the shoe pinches”, but should be integrated directly into our everyday life, working life and partnership as a living, transforming, harmonizing and also stabilizing aspect. Then their practical implementation is not left out. Of course, this is only possible if we treat ourselves and our environment considerately, carefully and as consciously as possible.”
– Kristina Hazler –

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I am a consciousness researcher and border crosser, a traveler between worlds and dimensions. I am also a communicator. Translator and mediator between planes and universes. Guide and pioneer in the search for optimal paths through the labyrinth into the new era. Inspiring, visionary, understanding. I try to put what I see and experience into understandable words in order to inspire people to see things in a new way, beyond the familiar and established. I am a sensitive empath and an excellent consciousness coach, specializing in un(over)conscious, mental-spiritual and psychosomatic issues. I am there to reach out to people and accompany them on their journey with a great deal of empathy and understanding for their current situation within the scope of their personal possibilities, clarifying and expanding their consciousness. Of course, always with an eye on the individual soul plan and individual potential, but also on practical (everyday) feasibility.


Through her innate feeling and knowledge of the non-mundane realms or different levels of consciousness and her social intention to support/awaken people in their essence/potential, her life path was realigned from the age of 30. After a successful worldly career as a young businesswoman, she moved to the deeper levels and interesting years of research and study of the conscious and subconscious mind as well as the diverse alternative forms of therapy and healing concepts with all the associated (self-) experience heights and depths followed.

As founder of the Consciousness Academy (2009), bestselling author and in her work as a Consciousness Teacher, Consciousness Trainer and Consciousness Coach, she has been consciously supporting and encouraging people in their search for the meaning of life, for healing and the development of their potential since 2002. Topics such as intuition, empathy, emotional intelligence, energy perception, high sensitivity, aspectology, multidimensionality, energy work and consciousness transformation are particularly close to her heart.

She conveys her special experiences and knowledge of the process of becoming conscious and current topics in lively, appealing language in her numerous books and on her consciousness blog. In addition, she is regularly involved in international advisory and socio-educational projects and always remains down-to-earth and practically oriented.

All her concepts can be used and implemented in everyday life, broadening horizons and clarifying.

In her transformative book series

Consciousness Coaching

she introduced new tools of consciousness such as “inverted logic”, “codes”, “contrast agents”, “knowledge transfer”, “inner authority” and many others, which are intended to enable people to orient themselves better and more independently in a personal consciousness process.

The latest work, the book “
Aspectology – The healing integration of split personality aspects and soul parts
” is a self-help book about the healing and integration of split personality aspects and soul parts, with a lot of room for self-reflection and soul images. Also suitable as a work and self-coaching book.”

She also enjoys working with companies, business people and researchers who want to integrate new qualities (humanity, sustainability, empathy, social responsibility, self-realization, potential development, etc.) beyond mere mental concepts into their everyday work, projects and employee management.

In her book “
The healer and the path of initiation
” she gives a personal insight into her first years of conscious encounter with human spirituality, its forms but also possible pitfalls. It was published together with the book “
Man and his Healing – The Divine Puzzle
” several times at
as a bestseller in various categories.


“It is a dance of life that seems to control itself.
How will you control it?
You can be there and you can leave carried away.
You can be an observer who can see and enjoy every moment,
but you can also be an observer
who is afraid of every new time,
of every new movement, every change
and is in fears of every new step
every new encounter.”

– From the book: “Awakening in human existence – The Experiment”

Interview with Kristina Hazler
Author profile at



  • Autorin (11 Bücher, 20 E-Books, Blog-Beiträge ...)
  • Coach und Trainerin in Erwachsenbildung und Bewusstseinsarbeit (15 Jahre Erfahrung)
  • Alternative Heilung und Bewusstseinstherapeutin (20 Jahre Erfahrung)
  • Soziale Arbeit (15 Jahre Erfahrung)
  • Geschäftsführung, Projektentwicklung, Organisation, Internationales Consulting (25 Jahre Erfahrung)
  • Verlagstätigkeit (15 Jahre Erfahrung)
  • Transportmanagement, Spedition, Immobilien (10 Jahre Erfahrung)
  • Übersetzung und Dolmetschertätigkeit (10 Jahre Erfahrung)

Alternative Ausbildungen und Kurse

  • Psychosomatische Medizin (2002-2004)
  • Alternative Medizin (2002-2005)
  • Energiemedizin, Energiearbeit und Energietherapie (2002-2004)
  • Reinkarnationstherapie (2002-2004)
  • Psychodrama (2001-2003)
  • Qi-Gong, Entspannungs- und Atemtechniken (2002-2004)
  • Neue Psychosomatik, Tiefenpsychologie und Hypnose (2001-2003)
  • Geistige Heilung, Channeling, Lichtarbeit (2002-2005)

Wirtschaftsausbildungen und Kurse

  • Kompetenzorientierung (2023)
  • Diversity und Gendermanagement (alle 5 Jahre, zuletzt 2023)
  • Digitale Werkzeuge für ErwachsenenbildnerInnen (2018)
  • Resilienz (2021)
  • European Business Competence* Licence (A, B) (2011 - 2012)
  • European communication certificate ECO-C® TQS (2011)
  • Change Management (2009-2010)
  • Dipl. Bildungsmanagerin (2008)
  • Fachtrainerin für BO, Wirtschaft und Kommunikation (2008)
  • Professional Certificate in Management and Marketing (1992-1995)
  • Elektrotechnikstudium & Geodäsie TU (1987-1991/ohne Abschluß)

Blog -> (2008 - 2023)

Veröffentlichungen in diversen Zeitschriften (2005-2015)







  • Selbstverwirklichung
  • Selbstbewusstsein
  • Potentialentfaltung
  • Resilienz
  • Empathie, Intuition
  • Hochsensibilität
  • Kreativität
  • Genialität und Talententfaltung

Ganzheitliche Gesundheit


  • Innere Führung
  • Sinnfindung
  • Seelenreisen
  • Körper-Geist-Seele im Einklang
  • Seelische Verwirklichung
  • Spirituelle Entwicklung

Neue Wirtschaft

  • Human Economy
  • Kommunikation
  • Co-Kreation, Teambuilding
  • Kreative Lösungen (Breakthrough Innovations)
  • Vitalität im Job und Business
  • Resilienz, Agilität

ECo-C TrainerIn Award 2013
Nominierungen zum ECo-C TrainerIn Award (2012-2015)



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