Matrix and the missing link

The twisting of the truth as the basis of the matrix


As we know from the movie of the same name, the Matrix is very sophisticated and now has the most individually effective “button” it can press for almost every person. It sounds like a gigantic machine, but we humans shouldn’t fool ourselves too much. We are less complicated and less individual than we think.

At the end of the first part, I mention the matrix fence and write:

“If someone accidentally or less accidentally strays within the matrix to its boundaries and is about to leave it, he makes an acquaintance with something that I compare to an electric fence.”

Missing Link

My own experiences with the matrix and the “border” of the matrix allow me to claim today that the matrix fence is so sophisticated that it reacts individually to individual touches!

One person burns their fingers, another gets a slap on the butt, the third feels sick, the next feels like they’re losing their mind and so on.

The strange thing is that what on the one hand seems to be the strength of the matrix – its various paths, its ramifications and its complexity – is also its weakness once you have seen through it. No matter what it is about and how twisted, how hidden it is, in the end all the wrong paths, all the missing links, fail links and fake links lead to it and it is therefore actually easy to be convicted.

(Missing link can primarily be translated as the missing link. Either you are hanging in the air, so to speak, or in a loop that keeps redirecting you to another individually programmed “address”. Missing link can also be a missing logical bridge, where you cannot explain how to get from one state to another. In this sense, we are constantly confronted with missing links when we feel like we are in the wrong movie and have no idea how we ended up there. And Matrix does its best to keep us from finding out for as long as possible).

What I’m saying is that as long as we stay within the rules of the matrix, it largely leaves us alone and we can experiment and/or play endlessly. However, when we start looking for the exit, various possibilities are put in our way. Or puzzles. Depending on what you like, what appeals to your ego and/or challenges you. But such a puzzle is linked to a missing link or fail link. This means that after solving the puzzle, you can’t get any further, not to the hoped-for destination. You are either taken back to the beginning or to another puzzle, or you get stuck in a loop. No matter how well you try to master the challenge, you always end up back where the link is supposed to take you – back to the Matrix. If, for example, some new age belief tells us that we first have to master these and those challenges and puzzles in order to get to the next level, the matrix can pick up on this belief and work wonderfully “against us”, so that the way out becomes a distant prospect.

Matrix und der Missing Link
Picture from LeoPixabay

For me, the term matrix is actually something like a matrix – a template and/or pattern. It gets confusing when you google the term. Then you find out that it can also mean uterus from Latin, for example, which is not so wrong when you consider that all life originates from the uterus – at least not yet. However, depending on the subject area, e.g. mathematics, biology, geology, economics, etc., the term has a different meaning. Mostly it is about a certain arrangement of something, a pattern. That’s why we should be careful with words, as I wrote in the first part.

Just because people use the same words doesn’t mean they mean the same thing!

Equal is not equal

Nowadays, it is striking that hostile groups confront each other in hatred and rejection, even though they use almost the same words. One might think that they should actually get along well if they share the same philosophy. But some speak of peace, freedom, diversity and fraternity and, out of their inner inexperience, mean something different from those who already know and live freedom, diversity and fraternity within themselves.

This is also one of the tricks of the matrix, to play people with similar intentions and goals off against each other. Due to their unconsciousness, some blindly follow what they are told and others are unhappy due to their experienced consciousness because they do not understand why this division and separation occurs, even though they are striving for the same thing and should actually be working together and/or learning from each other.

Inverted matrix

When I talk about an inverted matrix below, I am actually referring to the alienation of the divine “template”, which has been turned upside down and/or distorted. The divine has a clear logic – a divine logic. So that the “false” can pass itself off as the “right”, it imitates the logic. Since it cannot invent anything new itself, it takes what is, including logic, and twists it. Man is conditioned accordingly – that the reversed logic seems logical to him, even more logical than the original. Modern man’s belief in complexity and that only science is capable of understanding the connections makes it possible.

Reversing the reversed logic

In all the volumes of my Consciousness Coaching books (currently 6 volumes on the market), my spiritual coach repeatedly talks about the reversed logic that we are subject to here in the human condition. With his help, I have learned to find my truth by simply questioning what I thought I knew and then allowing for the possibility that perhaps the “opposite” is also possible. Sometimes you get to the truth by simply changing the polarity of some phrases and beliefs.

And even if it sounds so simple, the reversal – or rather, the correction of the reversed logic – is an art!

(Next week I will publish the first part of my recent conversations with the spiritual coach on Substack for paying subscribers. In it, he explains that the current transformative changes are not only affecting our material-physical-human world, but also the “higher planes”. You can find out why in the publication – only in german)
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The inverted matrix, which has built up over thousands of years as a labyrinth or maze-like collection of inverted thoughts and ideas, is not a two-sided sheet. It is a multi-layered structure with many time levels and otherworldly realms and is also multi-dimensional. Like a huge multidimensional spider’s web of the collective consciousness, or rather, the collective abyss. A different kind of Akashic Chronicle. You could also say the shadow of the Akashakronik or what is thought to be the Akashakronik.

(Michael Nußbaumer vividly explains the difference between a labyrinth and a maze in his article “The way out of the labyrinth” – only in german).

People who still function, think and perceive in a linear way find it difficult to recognize the dense, multi-layered network that works behind the scenes, from the unconscious and/or in a brazenly direct way.

Alignment with the truth

In my experience, the reversal of the inverted, the upside-down, works through intention and focus. The intention to align oneself with the true (the true nature), to focus on the divine truth, sets a process of convergence in motion, because hardly anyone is immediately able to recognize, experience, digest and accept/accept the whole truth.

It’s like a mechanism that you have to turn until it clicks into place. When it finally clicks into place, it elicits a relieving “Aha! Anyone who has ever experienced this genuine spiritual “aha” experience knows how liberating, enlightening and insightful it feels. Suddenly everything is as clear as day. You wonder why you didn’t see it that way before.

You could also say that the reversal mechanism from reversed logic to divine logic occurs when you have found the simplest “solution”. Which is of course very complicated with a brain or mind conditioned to complexity :)

The complicated simplicity

Translated, this means that for many people who are not yet trained in simplicity, the most complicated thing they know is simplicity. They are often unable to grasp it because of their own structure. They first need a kind of defragmentation (like a computer) so that the neural pathways can be linked more effectively from A to B again.

However, there are several traps lurking in such would-be reversal attempts. How could it be otherwise when the matrix is upside down! Like a Rubik’s Cube (Rubik’s Cube), you can play endlessly and initially discover various other patterns that you think are the real ones. Or you think you’ve solved the puzzle, even though you’ve only put one side together and the other sides are still a colorful mess. As soon as you have the feeling that you are constantly busy and can no longer find your way around, you can take a deep breath and ask yourself whether you are not occupied by the matrix after all.

The truth exists beyond all obscurity

The higher understanding of the connections, beyond all the traps of the matrix, beyond the fence, makes one realize that in reality one does not have to deal with the reversal of the reversed logic in order to arrive at the truth. The truth exists in parallel, unimpressed by all distortions and twists.

The method beyond all matrix traps is therefore once again a simple one: direct attention to the truth.

Unfortunately, the word truth is so inflationary these days and is used and misused for so many things that something in me wants to write about the real truth to be on the safe side – for the complicated brains ;)

One step away from the truth

In my article “One step away from love – the love decision“, I write about the truth (because: aren’t true love and truth the same thing?):

“The difficulty, or rather the higher level of difficulty, begins where you start to understand that you cannot learn the truth. The truth is simple. The truth is the way life is. You can open yourself to the truth, let it flow through you, be with it, flow with it, be in it, flow in it, merge in it, blossom in it.”

Preview – Part 3

Before I go into further detail about the Matrix and the associated complaints of some Awakened and Sensitized Ones, as well as those “exiting” and “ascending”, in the next part I will talk about the multidimensionality of our planet and how the Matrix makes use of it.

© 08/2024 Kristina Hazler


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