The mechanics of the closed circle make us ask ourselves: What kind of circle do we want to live in – an open one or a closed one? And how can we break out of the circle of the eternal hamster wheel? Maybe by recognizing which wheel we are in?
For me, a closed circle is a self-contained system that contains different forms of life and consciousness and there are two types of closed circles: the impulse circle or limited circle and the open circle.
The impulse circle
One is where the boundaries are artificially created, where the intention is to keep certain structures and forms within that circle. Such a system requires a constant expenditure of energy to keep creating the boundaries and a constant effort of persuasion or defense against the particles that keep trying to break out of the circle.
The intentional carriers of such a circle must always come up with something to hold the circle, and thus the inner particles of the circle, together. It is a fragile construct whose permanence and strength, as well as its limits, i.e. its very existence, is only an illusion.
You can imagine it this way: The circle exists only at a certain frequency. This frequency has an anti-frequency, which are the moments between each impulse. An impulse is a moment in which the intention is present and creates the circle with thoughts, for example. Between two such impulses there is a gap in which the thought, and therefore the impulse, and therefore the circle, does not exist. Such a circle is created anew with every impulse, because in between it always disappears, dissolves or does not exist at all. The strategy of the “circle makers” is therefore to divert the attention, the consciousness of the inner parts of the circle from the “intermediate impulses”, i.e. the anti-impulses, to make them invisible. Only when these do not exist, i.e. appear to be absent, can the illusion of the continuity of the circle be created. In other words, the supporting energies of such a circle are deception, blinding, holding, containment, distraction, etc.
The Open Circle
The second type of “closed” circle is the one in which there are no boundaries and no impulses. Strange as it may sound, this circle is basically open. It is a living, natural system in which every single particle has its place, its space and its freedom of movement.
Although each individual particle can move in any direction at any time, there is never a collision because, as already mentioned, there is no momentum but a kind of flow. A collision would mean an impulse, a cessation of the flow, a tearing out of being.
As each particle has its own place, it also has its own path, its own continuity, perfectly aligned with the others. It is a structure in which every movement has a purpose and there is no dissonance because everything is perfectly connected, and everything reacts to everything else. Each “breath” creates perfect harmony within the whole circle. The circle exists precisely because one thing fits into another, creating a living system that is open in all directions.
It may sound strange to call such a circle a closed circle, because to human logic every circle as such is automatically closed. A circle without boundaries is not a circle for the same logic, and yet it is a circle for me. It is a circle because everything is round, without corners and edges, because there is a structure in which a kind of cohesion is at work. However, the supporting energies of this circle compared to the first described are openness and freedom instead of the usual control in the impulse circle.
Digital Reality
One of the first readers of this article asked me if I could explain the above sentence “Such a circle is created anew with every impulse, because in between it always disappears, dissolves or does not exist at all.“
Here is my answer:
This sentence is actually the core statement of the whole article. I also call it digital or flickering or blinking reality. Symbolically, I would represent it like this:
_ . _ . _ . _ . _
The lines represent the intention – the thoughts and feelings with which a person or other entity or even an AI wants to create a certain reality. For example, this world that we believe surrounds us.
But consciously, mentally, intellectually, we cannot keep thoughts constant. Like inhaling and exhaling, there is an interruption – even if minimal – between them. This interruption is represented by the gaps, the pauses between the lines. Of course, it does not have to be as regular as in the example above. It can also look like this:
________ ________ . _ . _ … _______ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ …..
Our illusory reality seems to be a constant. However, through meditation or other forms of deceleration and mental expansion, we can literally “fall out” of it. The constancy ceases and we suddenly become aware of interruptions. Like movement in a movie caused by several still images. To create the illusion of movement, the viewing and the sequence from frame to frame must be accelerated.
The schematic points between the lines are then glimpses of what lies behind the artificial reality (illusion).
Perhaps another illusion or true life, nature, the divine world – the true constant that does not flicker because it does not need to be maintained. The divine world is. It is independent of whether someone maintains it in their mind or not.
In the second illustration, the dots between some of the lines are missing. This is an illustration of the fact that although the cracks have formed for some reason (e.g. intense cosmic radiation, some intense event, etc.), the insight into the true reality, into the Divine, has not yet occurred. The existence of another reality behind the veil has not been recognized.
With this model of blinking reality, I also wanted to illustrate why masses today need to be convinced of a common narrative. An individual who wants to create a global reality cannot keep his concentration high enough to avoid constant cracks and interruptions in his intention. However, when many people believe in an idea, the collective automatically condenses the idea and thus the space through its belief and alignment and the energy it generates and attracts, creating an increasingly complex illusion.
However, the more awakened people there are in this world who have already penetrated the veil and have an awareness of the world beyond the veil, the more often the creators of the illusion have to mend the cracks (often called and seen as portals) that keep appearing. To do this, they need an ever-increasing number of deluded, gullible, obedient, and others whom they activate, for example, by a common “trigger” that they jump on, or by the prospect of an advantage.
I also call it digital reality, because the digital language consists only of ones and zeros. Like the hyphen and the space.
© 08/2018 Kristina Hazler (updated 08/2024)
translated from the original German “Bewusstsein und Mechanik des geschlossenen (Lebens)Kreises” with deepl
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