The border to another reality draws closer
I was thinking about what I should write first, what would build a bridge between my loyal readers and the new ones without boring some and throwing others in at the deep end.
And then I had to remind myself that I called my newsletter or blog or channel or whatever here “uncensored”.
So why should I think so much about it.
I wanted to create this platform for myself so I can just write whatever comes into my head.
Without a muzzle, without diplomacy, without internal censorship, without garbled words, without making yet another desperate attempt to fool the algorithms and without worrying about who might read my post and declare it amateurish with their academic know-it-all attitude.
First a few words about me
For those who are new to me and have never heard of me before: I’m an empath, you could say in a somewhat respectable way these days.
Yes, I feel.
I perceive, beyond the veils, but also within the veils, just like the veils themselves.
In the past, people might have said I am clairsentient.
Well, these are all words, but for starters, you could imagine something by them.
Maybe it completes the picture if I say I am a consciousness empath ;)
For me, consciousness and true feeling are closely connected and help us humans to orient ourselves emotionally and humanly beyond all the mental constructs that this world has ever created and stored in the collective consciousness, and not to lose sight of the true meaning and purpose of our existence.
First of all: German is not my mother tongue, so if the sentence structure seems strange or twisted from time to time, it may be because my head thinks differently than just German.
But sometimes it can also be due to the higher connection and frequency that I try to convey and put into words as well as possible.
Every word a seed
German is a wonderful language for communicating clearly and unambiguously, but you should be very careful with your choice of words.
Saying something just because that’s how you speak and that’s what others do – at some point your own system starts to believe it and orient itself accordingly.
Yes, the body, the energy system and other inner parts listen to us and our thoughts.
At least that’s my current state of knowledge.
That is why we should also listen to ourselves and understand what we are actually conveying with every word, with every sentence.
If we imagine figuratively that every word we say is planted like a seed in our garden, what would our garden look like after a few years?
What would sprout from the ground, multiply and bear fruit?
By the way!
For the sake of reader-friendliness, I will refrain from using genders and I will not write in every second sentence that this is my opinion and point of view according to my current level of experience and awareness.
That should actually go without saying.
In my older posts, I include the date of creation so that you can orient yourself and follow my train of thought.
I am not one of those authors who write in an authoritarian style in the sense of: “This is how it is and that’s that”.
With every line I write, I want to motivate those interested to form their own opinion on the subject.
To do this, I describe how I see things in order to encourage people to ask themselves how they see things themselves.
I am then happy to listen to the different points of view.
Belt of ignorance
For quite some time now, I’ve been watching the belt of ignorance or selection of the undesirable spread across social media, including my channels and posts.
It feels like I’m already on some kind of blacklist or something.
For a while, I didn’t care because I was busy with other earthly things.
Now, when I did feel like expressing myself and letting some of me flow freely into the world, I was met with energetic paralysis and frustration.
At some point, I realized that this was no longer my stage.
When the day came a few days ago that I sent out the first newsletter to my old homepage subscribers with the information about my switch to Substack, and not two minutes after I had pressed the send button, I froze again.
A strong wave of anger reached me.
From experience, I had expected that some people would not like my change and especially my plan to charge for certain content.
Nevertheless, the (energetic) intensity of the anger surprised me.
Also the timing.
It wasn’t even possible that someone had already read the entire text I had sent.
So what was that all about?
I first had to digest and observe this and it was out of this situation that my upcoming article “The matrix and the electric fence – This is how we are kept in the fence every time we try to break out” crystallized.
I have been observing for a long time how much energy (usually negative energy) a single person can generate.
Even a small, reclusive person who, at first glance, you might think has hardly any air to breathe and energy to live.
And yet their shadow can be huge and the consequences of their actions and inactions correspondingly so.
There are no secrets, just secretiveness
So anything is possible and it would be nice if the awareness of at least those people who are already thinking about energy, light and love would go so far as to understand that even if they are discharged secretly over a person’s head, it will reach them in any case and have a mostly blocking or destabilizing effect on them, whether they are aware of it or not.
Because in reality, there is no such thing as secrecy.
Everything is stored somewhere, tangible and perceptible, no matter how well thought out the defensive barrier is.
We should be aware of this, even with all the mischief that is currently going on “behind the scenes” on Earth.
In my book “Erwachen im MenschSein – Das Experiment“, I tried to illustrate this.
I drew a scenario in which the protagonist lived in isolation from the outside world from birth onwards, which then left a lasting impression on him.
Justified anger
Since “C” at the latest, we have been living in an age that has cultivated anger and raised it to an academic level.
Anger unites!
No matter about which group, against which group.
Everywhere you look, you can find nicely prepared topics around which you can gather and unload your resentment and frustration towards the other side.
Thunder in the air?
The earth is shaking?
Volcanoes spewing lava?
And why not?
As I said, people are not aware of their power and the intensity of the energy they generate every day.
From my point of view, as soon as you catch yourself thinking that you are justified in being angry or upset, you should immediately stop and ask yourself whether this is really the case:
“Am I really like that?”
“Is it what corresponds to my inner values or have I “just” jumped on a bandwagon that is currently “in”?”
Everyone may consider for themselves whether they feel that anger, resentment, rage or even hatred have ever solved, expanded or changed something in a lasting way.
If the answer is positive, then you can continue, then you know why you are doing it.
This is called awareness and self-responsibility.
If the answer is negative, then you should ask yourself whether you want to continue like this, or whether you want to stop, or whether you want to look for a more constructive expression.
This is called awareness work;)
In both cases, you act responsibly.
You don’t lie to yourself and you know that you have made such and such a decision.
Whether you are then also prepared to accept the consequences is a further step in the self-questioning process.
However, most people are kept in a busy mode beyond self-responsibility.
Thoughts and emotions are fed to them and they have no idea about them.
Many call this the matrix.
We are reprimanded
If someone accidentally or less accidentally strays within the matrix to its boundaries and is about to leave it, he makes an acquaintance with something that I compare to an electric fence.
Like cows or sheep in the pasture.
A targeted impulse, whether of a physical, psychological or energetic nature, is enough to set most people straight and keep them within the boundaries.
I’m not saying that the so-called matrix is necessarily a bad thing and that some monsters or alien psychopaths have created it.
Perhaps the Matrix is the work of all of us.
Who knows?
I already wrote in “Consciousness Coaching 4 and 5” about the fact that boundaries also have a certain meaningfulness.
So in my next article, I won’t be hunting down the culprits, I won’t be trying to expose the villains, the manipulators-in-chief, but I will be discussing how the matrix fence is currently working and which people are getting to know it first.
Part of the many complaints that some awakened and sensitized people suffer from and cannot explain may be related to being too close to the border to other “realities”.
© 08/2024 Kristina Hazler
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