Between 2 worlds

Extract from the text at  flap of the book “Awakening in Human Existence – The Experiment”  (Translation from german Original)

Kristina Hazler was born in 1968 in former Czechoslovakia and till the outbreak of  “velvet revolution“ she studied technical cybernetics in Bratislava. Several years later she studied marketing and management at Open University in London and graduated various training courses on international level in the field of alternative medicine, spiritual therapy, energetic work and awareness of ourselves.

Shortly after opening of borders (in 1989) she interrupted her studies and left to Austria when she met „golden West“. In contrast to created concept she saw the reality without any gilding; the disillusion and disorientation followed. After some period she feels like standing between two worlds – one, being in the stage of development and building up and the second one, where the promising expectations are not just a dream but a reality. In this second world it is not necessary to start to learn how to live  freely but it is possible to face this reality immediately.

Not even 100 kilometres from her former home, being not separated with barbed wire any more, this free world as an antipode to many possibilities of development often surprises with its rejection, angularity, inconsideration, discrimination, different mentality and other priorities. Everyday fight for survival let her to forget for several years the original resolutions and ideas.

After 18 years of stay in Austria, Kristina Hazler, enriched with new experiences sought seclusion for 16  months in order to get coldness and be able to see the life from different perspective. During this isolation, being in certain extent „voluntary“ she wrote her first book „Awakening in Human Existence – The Experiment“, dealing with a conflict of seemingly different worlds, that are  after all neither so different  nor mutually distant.

read more:
Interview with Kristina Hazler

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